- (410) 358-8867
(410) 358-8867
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Serving Odenton & All Surrounding Areas

Odenton Tutors
Private Tutors in Odenton for All Subjects & Grade Levels
Looking for a great Odenton Tutor? From elementary all the way up to college and graduate school, our experienced team at Grade Potential ensures that you’ll receive the highest quality tutoring on your way to achieving your goals, all at an affordable price! We've worked with thousands of local students, so we know what it takes to be successful around here.
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(410) 358-8867
About Odenton
South of Baltimore and east of Washington D.C., Odenton, Maryland benefits from its proximity to two metropolitan areas and the state capital of Annapolis. Nicknamed “The Town a Railroad Built,” Odenton was just a few small farms when the Annapolis and Elk Ridge Railroad (A&ER) constructed tracks through the area in 1840. After the Civil War, the Baltimore Potomac Railroad connected Baltimore and Washington D.C. crossing the tracks of the A&ER. This junction became Odenton, named after railroad executive and governor of Maryland at the time, Oden Bowie. Nearby Bowie, Maryland is also named for him as well as Bowie State University a few miles west from Odenton. Bowie grew up on Fairview Plantation in Collington, Maryland just a few miles from Washington D.C. At the age of 20 in 1846 he joined the U.S. Army and was promptly shipped to Texas where he became part of an army commanded by General Zachary Taylor. Taylor’s army was about to invade Mexico at the outset of the U.S.-Mexican War. At the Battle of Monterrey, Bowie distinguished himself in combat in the bloody three-day siege. With no clear winner, both sides negotiated a ceasefire leaving the city to the Americans while the Mexicans withdrew peacefully. While Taylor occupied Monterrey, another American force led by General Winfield Scott ultimately defeated the Mexicans.
For his heroism in the war Taylor was elected the 12th president of the United States. For his part, Bowie was cited for bravery in the battle. He rose through the ranks quickly, becoming the youngest Captain in the army at that time. After the war, he went into politics, first as a delegate to the Maryland House and then as a Maryland State Senator. In 1868 he was elected governor and served one term before retiring. After politics, he continued building railroads but his passion seemed to have been in breeding race horses. He served as President of the Maryland Jockey Club for nineteen years and is credited with coming up with the idea of building a race track in Maryland at Pimlico, just north of Baltimore. Recently, Odenton has become one of the fastest growing towns in Maryland and is ranked in the top 20 of Baltimore suburbs by the real estate website Niche. Median household income in Odenton is nearly $95,000 a year.
An Odenton tutor will keep you caught up on your studies so you can take time away from the books to experience the interesting things to do in the Baltimore metropolitan area. Set aside by executive order of President Franklin Roosevelt in 1936, the Patuxent Research Refuge covers nearly 13,000 acres of wilderness on Odenton’s western border. Habitats such as forest, meadow and wetland make up the refuge with a wide variety of animals and birds. Majestic bald eagles are sometimes seen on the refuge as well as many other species of native and migratory birds. The North Tract of the Refuge offers hunting, fishing, several miles of trails and educational programs. The Refuge’s National Wildlife Visitor Center is the largest facility of its type in the nation.
Just about a mile north of Odenton the Fort Meade Museum, named after famed Civil War General George Meade, offers collections of historical artifacts, photographs, documents and paintings. Exhibits include a display of military uniforms from different eras, a Mark-VIII “Liberty” tank and an “Iroquois” Huey helicopter. The museum annually commemorates military related days such as 9/11, Veteran’s Day and Meade’s birthday.
Getting Started Is Easy!Call us now: (410) 358-8867
Odenton, MD