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About Monroe
A favorite story of tutors in Monroe is that of the “Battle of Frenchtown” that occurred during the “War of 1812”, because it occurred right here in Monroe.
To put it into perspective the War of 1812 was primarily between the British and the Americans. The U.S conflict with the British arose due to trade restrictions being set up between the U.K and France. At this time the United Kingdom and France had many colonies all over the world.
To go back even further, the Napoleonic War (which took place between 1803 and 1814) was at this point (in 1812) coming to an end after many years of disputes and unrest. The Napoleonic War had started because Napoleon was gaining power in countries in Europe where the United Kingdom had previously been able to assert influence. His position became threatening to the current status quo and the British reacted by going to War before the situation deteriorated further. Throughout the disputes between the two countries many treaties were drawn up and torn up. Power plays were made to restrict Napoleon’s progress and redirect the loyalty of his allies. Attempts were made to resolve the dispute and restore peace too. The most well known attempt being made by Charles James Fox who offered in exchange for Hanover, Malta, Cape Colony, and Tobago to concede French conquests on the continent (main land). However The French wanted Sicily too and the arrangement could not be agreed upon.
Britain had many friends on the European mainland and as an island were protected by a sea or channel that separated them from France. Ultimately Britain’s naval blockade also blocked trade with France, which the U.S. deemed illegal under international law. However they were particularly unimpressed by the British Navy acting of their own volition and forcing American merchant sailors to join their ranks in their bid to maintain the blockade. This combined with other political disputes regarding the stance on treatment of the Native Americans by the British, which the Americans did not appreciate, meant a divide growing between the two countries. And so it came to pass that in 1812 President James Madison signed the American declaration of war.
The Battles of Frenchtown took place in January of 1813. Monroe tutors also refer to the event as The Battles of the River Raisin. In these battles American’s fought to forcibly remove the British out of the region, which they had previously occupied. The Americans won this battle, but then the British surprised the Americans with a counterattack four days afterwards teaming up with the Native Americans. The results were the highest number of fatalities of any battle during the “War of 1812”.
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Monroe, MI